Native Client allows legacy software to run inside the highly secure browser framework at near-native speeds with virtually no porting required. With these totems taken care of, things are looking green and leafy around this From Dust village.From Dust is the second high-profile game title ported to Chrome using Google’s Native Client technology the first was Bastion. Just fire up Chrome and play right in your browser, courtesy of From Dust in Chrome’s Web Store ($10). There’s an alternative to the console version if you want to play frustration-free, however. The PC port was badly botched with low framerates, no anti-aliasing support, video card compatibility issues and an overzealous DRM system riddled with bugs that plague users to this day.
After a successful console release, it seemed little could go wrong. Moreover, he cited Peter Molyneux’s classics Populous and Black & White as his primary influences, so the provenance couldn’t be better.
The game’s designer, Eric Chani, is well known for his abstract early 90’s masterpiece Another World, so the project seemed in capable hands. PC fans of God games had plenty to be excited about when publisher Ubisoft announced From Dust for PC last year.